Been a while
It’s been a while since I posted last so I thought I’d do my civic duty and get everyone up to date.
Hurricane season runs from June 1st through November 31st. That being said, you may now know what’s coming up……
Not a hurricane yet, but looking to the tropics there are some disturbances in the Gulf and in the Atlantic.
For the Gulf I can confirm the water is warm, very warm. Like a warm bath and I’m sure you know that usually makes for a strong hurricane season. This storm appears to be headed to Texas so for Florida we appear to be safe.
Now the Atlantic storm is off Africa so several days/week out, but it is moving west and could be a problem if it makes it to the Gulf waters; stay tuned for updates.
It’ll be interesting navigating hurricane prep and COVID-19 at the same time, but it doesn’t mean we can’t still be diligent and stay safe.
Since it’s already July, I’m hoping everyone is prepared for a hurricane. If you’re not prepared, start your preparations soon as many shelves are still empty.
Stay safe and Covid free!