Month: August 2016

Reader Suggestion

It was brought to my attention that I missed National Toliet Paper Day by one of my readers. Yes I missed it and National Dog Day as they both were August 26th. Maybe the fact that I was working excessively was part of the reason, but honestly, who comes...
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I caved… well sorta…

After noticing an influx of people at the Safety Harbor Marina…. After walking through town to see so many people walking with their heads looking into their phones… and after being told that I live in the Mecca of all places…. I signed up for PokemonGo. Ok, throw balls...
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Here’s a picture of the tree I previously posted in full light. It’s not the biggest I’ve seen but it’s so big I can’t get a really good picture with my phone.  You can at least get an idea of what it looks like.  Please excuse the car; not...
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To be continued…

So I’ve been a little busy to say the least lately, as such haven’t had time to compile a written blog. Work, school and trying to find some time to watch a few Olympic matches (usually DVRd to skip commercials)  has left little extra time. I appreciate those that...
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I’m totally engrossed in the Olympics. Watching volleyball, swimming, and gymnastics just to name a few. I’m sure my time in front of the TV could be better spent elsewhere, but the Olympics only come once every four years.  I’m a Michael Phelps fan. I absolutely love watching him...
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The Olympic Opening Ceremony is TONIGHT 

Tonight is the opening ceremony of the 2016 Rio Olympics.  There has been much controversy over this Olympic year. The site of Rio being economically challenged, Zika virus, and the Russians being banned due to substance abuse are just a few of the headlines. I heard the Olympic Rings...
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National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day

So today is national chocolate chip cookie day. I really wonder how these days get assigned. I’m sure there must be a monetary value recorded by someone to mark these days a holiday. I mean I’m not going to say that I don’t like chocolate chip cookies, but I...
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